New section PULLEYS

Dear dog friends, the new year 2025 is here and I come with new, crucial information regarding pulleys. Starting January 1, 2025, the business part will be transferred from an individual to my non-profit organization WGA z.s.

I made this move based on increased interest. I need this move to optimize the tax burden. The potential delivery region has also grown, where the shipping price is more advantageous for companies. European shipping prices are not that different, but shipping to the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand is already different. When I started about 10 years ago, I wouldn’t have thought of such things. Just the paperwork around it is scary. Well, there’s always a first time for something.

To avoid the unnecessary work of answering questions over and over again what it’s made of, what features it has, how much it costs and whether a discount is possible, I answer these questions up front. All the information that is up to date for a possible purchase can be found at in the PULLEYS section you will find subsections PHOTO GALLERY, QUESTIONS & ANSWERS, PROFORMA INVOICE, TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION, INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE.

I appreciate every interest. It is important to remember that I am on my own. I wish us all good health and undying love for our four-legged partners.

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